Financial News

Ken Reeves shares informative insights to help you reach your retirement goals.

How to retire during a recession or market downturn

How does one retire during a recession or market downturn? In retirement, timing is everything, as it is in much of life. While attempting to retire during a financial downturn may seem unwise, many people may not have another choice. Those who want or need to work past the average retirement age often discover that…


Tired of losing money? How does a fixed index annuity help you lock in gains and avoid losses?

In an unpredictable economic environment, there seems to be no haven for your cash. The lack of a safe place for money is one reason people choose fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) as the cornerstone of their financial plans.


Are “hybrid” policies the cure for rising
long-term care costs?

“Even before the pandemic, the senior health care marketplace was experiencing rate increases,
capacity shortages, and changes in coverage. The pandemic further deepened these trends.” Ken


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It’s never too early — or too late — to take control of your financial future so you can enjoy life on your terms. Get started today by scheduling a meeting or registering for an upcoming event.

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