Retirement Planning

Do you want to avoid overpaying taxes when you retire?  Safe money products could be the solution.

Nearly every American understands that taxes are one of their most significant expenses. Wealth planners regard taxes and inflation as the two most erosive forces impacting savings. Tax planning strategies are critical components of sound retirement planning, even for those in mid-to-low income brackets.

Do you want to avoid overpaying taxes when you retire?  Safe money products could be the solution. Read More »

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will affect your finances now and in the future.  Is there anything you can do about it?

The first major overhaul of the US tax code in more than 30 years, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), took effect in 2018 and is expected to significantly impact all American taxpayers through 2025. At nearly 200 pages, the Act substantively changes the tax code for both institutions and individuals, aiming to cut corporate, individual, and estate tax rates.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will affect your finances now and in the future.  Is there anything you can do about it? Read More »

What is a separately managed account?

Similar to ETFs or mutual funds, a separately managed account (SMA) is a portfolio of securities in which a person may invest. However, unlike mutual funds or ETFs, when you invest in an SMA, you own the securities inside your portfolio. This means SMA owners have more flexibility in the investment and management of the funds. SMA investors can also monitor trades in real time.

What is a separately managed account? Read More »

What fundamentals of Social Security should you know if you plan on retiring in the next few years?

“As highlighted by a recent Nationwide Retirement Institute poll, most Americans are woefully lacking in basic Social Security knowledge. This education gap can result in mistakes that will impact your entire life.”- Ken Reeves.

What fundamentals of Social Security should you know if you plan on retiring in the next few years? Read More »

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