Expert Retirement Planning in Greater Birmingham, Alabama

Confused by retirement planning? Call in an expert guide. Apex Financial Group provides thorough retirement planning services in Greater Birmingham, AL. We bring clarity and confidence so you can enjoy lifelong income. We help grow your assets while protecting your investment portfolio from market volatility. And since we look at your financial planning strategies from all angles, we also help you avoid pitfalls associated with taxes, insurance, and inflation.

Overwhelmed by retirement planning? We’re here to help!

Financial Advisor Ken Reeves.
Financial Advisor Ken Reeves, owner of Apex Financial Group.

Without the proper guidance, planning your retirement can feel like a confusing maze full of complicated details and difficult decisions. Many turns can take you down the wrong path.

Some people don’t know if or when they can retire, and some don’t realize they could have retired several years ago. There are so many options and theories about retirement, it can be very confusing.

It’s my job to answer your questions and deliver clarity. I’m dedicated to gaining high-level financial education so I can provide expert advice. At Apex Financial Group, our team is here to guide you – as we coordinate with you, your tax professional, and your legal counsel – during this important journey.

I’ve helped many people who wouldn’t have been able to retire without a solid plan. I’ve ensured they will never run out of money, and they’ll always have asset growth to counteract inflation. It’s very gratifying work.

Get a dynamic retirement planning strategy that fits your ever-changing needs

Man and woman going over financial planning data on paper and on a laptop.

Retirement planning is primarily based on risk tolerance. Some people are super conservative and don’t want to risk losing anything, even if that means lower financial gains. Other people are not so risk-averse and like to gamble with their money for a chance at attaining larger financial rewards.

Conservative vs Aggressive Retirement Planning

But when you’re near retirement, you must protect yourself from sudden changes in the financial market – especially during unstable economic times. You don’t have enough time to regain losses from market volatility before you retire, so you need to shift to a more conservative plan.

During your free assessment, we assess your risk tolerance and develop a plan to adjust your current portfolio to reduce costs and protect your assets from market volatility while still working towards your goals.

Access a wide range of customizable retirement planning products and services

At Apex Financial Group, we build a custom retirement plan based on your unique needs to help you enjoy lifetime income. As a fiduciary firm, we only offer retirement products and services that are in your best interests.

A team retired seniors on the golf course.


We offer other investment strategies to help grow your financial assets.

  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Mutual Funds
  • Exchange Traded Funds

Taxes also affect retirement planning

Any comprehensive retirement plan also includes a strategy for decreasing tax liabilities. This typically includes:

Assessing the taxable nature of your current asset allocations
Strategizing ways to include tax-deferred or tax-free money in your plan
Strategize which tax category to draw income from first to potentially reduce tax burden
Discussing ways to leverage your qualified money to leave tax-free dollars to your beneficiaries

Start Reaching New Heights in Your Financial Journey

It’s never too early — or too late — to take control of your financial future so you can enjoy life on your terms. Get started today by scheduling a meeting or registering for an upcoming event.

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