Responsible Estate Planning in Greater Birmingham, Alabama

Do you have a will or a trust – with powers of attorney in place? Will your loved ones get stuck in probate court? Will your estate pass to your heirs tax-free? We can ensure you have these critical pieces of your estate planning strategy in place.

You need a holistic financial planner to guide your estate planning strategy

A senior retired couple holding hands while hiking.At Apex Financial Group, our team is here to guide you – as we coordinate with you, your tax professional, and your legal counsel – during this important journey.

  • Traditional Estate Planning Service
  • Beneficiary Designations
  • Life Insurance
  • Trusts
  • Wills
  • Power of Attorney

Other Legacy Planning Considerations

Business Succession

  • Buy-Sell Agreement 
  • Key Person Insurance 
  • Entity Person Plan 
  • Stock Redemption Plan

Health Care Planning 

Tax Strategies

  • Stretch IRAs
  • Roth Conversions
  • Charitable Giving

Leave a legacy, not a burden, with tax-focused estate planning

Retired couple sitting on the porch enjoying coffee

It is important to ensure your hard-earned assets go to your beneficiaries in the most tax-efficient manner. By working collaboratively with a qualified estate planning attorney, we help you:

  • Maximize your estate and income tax planning opportunities.
  • Protect any assets in your trust and ensure they are distributed to your beneficiaries probate-free.
  • Prevent your IRA and qualified accounts from becoming fully taxable to your beneficiaries upon your death.

Note: Neither the firm nor its agents or representatives may give tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult with a qualified professional for guidance before making any purchasing decisions.

Start Reaching New Heights in Your Financial Journey

It’s never too early — or too late — to take control of your financial future so you can enjoy life on your terms. Get started today by scheduling a meeting or registering for an upcoming event.

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